Seven Chakra Bead Bracelet
SEVEN CHAKRA White Yoga Bracelet:
This bead bracelet has white jade beads along with colorful gemstones and magnetic hematite spacers. According to ancient yoga teachings, the body has 7 main energy centers which process our emotions known as the chakras. The word "chakra” means wheel or energy vortex. Each chakra resides in the astral spine extending from the base to the crown of the brain. From the base to the top the chakras are the Muladhara, Svadhishthana, Manipura, Anahata, Vishuddha, Ajna & Sahasrara.
White Jade Chakra Bracelet
Chakra Bead Bracelet
The colors are as follows:
Muladhara – Root (red)
Svadhishthana – Sacral (Orange)
Manipura – Solar Plexis (yellow)
Anahata – Heart (green)
Vishuddha – Throat (light blue)
Ajna – Third Eye (blue)
Sahasrara – Crown (Amethyst)
Gemstones are said to help balance and strengthen blocked or misaligned chakras. Essential oils are powerful and can help balance and align our energy in the same way that gemstones can. Combining these two in this bracelet will give your spiritual and physical body the highest vibrations for your greatest good.
Estimated shipping time is 2-5 days.